Harrison Daniel

Full Stack Developer

Full Stack Developer with over five years of experience in the SaaS industry across multiple verticals. Proven ability to build and scale applications leveraging a unique blend of technical expertise and customer-centric insights. Adept at delivering and optimizing high quality, user-focused solutions.

My Work

Pick n Flick

Random decision maker allowing users to choose between 2 to 6 options, with spin momentum based on flick speed.

Front-end: The front-end is built with Next.js and React.js, featuring animations with Framer Motion, and styled with Tailwind CSS and Shadcn UI.

Back-end: The app is hosted on an AWS EC2 instance (Ubuntu), using an Elastic IP with Nginx as a reverse proxy. It is secured with/served over HTTPS using a self-signed certificate, with Cron jobs for SSL certificate renewal.

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HTMLCSSJavaScriptReactTailwind CSSFramer MotionNext.jsAWSElastic IPEC2 (Ubuntu)NginxDockerDocker Compose


Search for breweries in your area and add custom entries or notes to your profile.

Front-end: The front-end is built with Next.js and React.js, featuring animations with Framer Motion, and styled with Tailwind CSS and Shadcn UI.

Back-end: The app is deployed via Github actions to Vercel, and uses Next Auth for authentication.

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HTMLCSSJavaScriptReactTailwind CSSShadcnUIMongoDBOpenBreweryDBNext AuthVercelNext.jsGithub Actions

Password Generator

Custom, unique password generator with options for length and character types.

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HTMLCSSJavaScriptGithub Pages

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